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Why WordPress Websites Best For Small Businesses

by | May 26, 2018 | Small Business | 8 comments

Day by day the importance of WordPress Websites has immensely grown. One should all reasons Why WordPress Websites Best for Small Businesses. Below are some of the details which suggest good idea of implementing WordPress Websites.

Completely free

Whether users need a commercial blog or a commercial website, one can use WordPress for free. It is probably the exact reason about one-third of the websites on the net run actually on WordPress.

Open source

WordPress codes are open source and codes could be edited for full customization. So, passionate users have the feature to modify the codes as it requires them.

Variety of features

There is actually no function that you require for your website that WordPress does not have a plugin for. InterestinglyWordPress has more than 50,000 plugins and still counting.

Quality CMS

WordPress is used in about 60 percent of all the websites that actively use a content management system.

Instant to use

They are ready to use as soon as you install it. For instance, integration of media feeds and comments are already installed as well.

SEO friendly

WordPress websites are primarily ranked higher than others by search engines because their CMS framework is much simpler for search engine spiders to crawl.


WordPress websites are compatible with a lot of third-party applications. You might never run into any compatibility issue. For examples several websites may have problems with old versions of browsers but WordPress websites would load perfectly on the browsers.

Good Safety and security

WordPress web development is safety and security. Its security features are constantly updated and upgraded regularly. It is also instructed to download plugins only when you are directly logged into WordPress itself.

Easy customization

WordPress has so many free plugins and themes that everyone could get a special combination of them. You could use the free themes as they are and decide to customize them as per your liking. Primarily users are in full charge of your WordPress website literarily.

Multimedia support

It is found that no website manages multimedia like WordPress websites. You could easily upload multimedia files on your WordPress websites by adding embeddable codes via the HTML areas.

Excellent Hosting compatibility

Proudly speaking WordPress websites are compatible with all hosting facilities. Your WordPress website could be hosted by any hosting firm and most primarily, you could simply move your website from one host to another seamlessly if you are not assuaged with your web host.

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