Home » Small Business » Daybook for business – a must have tool for Small Business

Daybook for business – a must have tool for Small Business

by | Mar 28, 2023 | Small Business | 7 comments


Daybook is a mobile app for small businesses with multiple branches and outlets. It is designed to help business owners manage and track their sales, expenses, and stocks efficiently. With Daybook, business owners can create their own company’s book of accounts, manage branches, add and track products, record sales and expenses, and keep their data secure.

Key Modules:

Company Creation:

With Daybook Mobile app, business owners can create their own company’s book of accounts. This allows them to keep track of their finances and manage their resources better.

Branch Management:

Daybook allows business owners to set up branch accounts based on locations. They can create credentials for branch in charge, transfer products to sub-branches from main branches, and track sales and expenses.

Product Management:

Daybook also allows business owners to add new products and prices, record products in hand, and view product transfer records. This helps them to keep track of their products and ensure that they have enough stock to meet customer demands.

Stock Management:

Daybook helps business owners keep track of their stocks and their locations. This allows them to manage their resources better and ensure that they have enough stock in all their outlets.

Sales and Expenses Recording & Tracking:

With Daybook, business owners can record and submit daily expenses and sales to the main office for both main and sub-branches. This helps them to keep track of their finances and manage their resources better.


Daybook also allows business owners to get the day book approved by the owner for any branch. This ensures that all transactions are approved and tracked properly.

Data Security and Backup:

Daybook uses high-security cloud data, ensuring the safety and security of your data. No need to worry about backups.


Daybook Mobile app uses the Push Notification to announce the key data recording, stock movements and approval requests.


Daybook helps business owners save time and money. With Daybook, business owners can manage their branches, products, stocks, and finances easily and efficiently. It also helps them keep track of their sales and expenses, ensuring that they are running their business in a profitable manner.


If you are a small business owner and manages 2 or more store outlets, it is beneficial to use Daybook Mobile App. Daybook helps business owners save time and money, manage their resources better, and keep track of their sales and expenses. With Daybook, business owners can ensure that business-related data are rightly entered on time.


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