Dolibarr ERP / CRM Consultancy Services in India
For SMEs and Small businesses, deploying ERP is an important decision. Taking advantage of Fee and Open Source software, we enable small business to implement ERP Solution

Dolibarr Open Source ERP Solution

Dolibarr was professionally developed in offering an ERP and CRM software whose key goal is to be simple:
- Simple to install
- Simple to use
- Simple to develop
In addition this familiar Open Source ERP Solution Dolibarr is also available with auto-installers for global users with no technical knowledge to install Dolibarr and all its prerequisites (Apache, Mysql, and PHP) with just one package.
Dolibarr ERP / EDM / CRM Modules
- Customers, Prospects or Suppliers directory
- Products and services catalogue
- Stock management
- Bank accounts management
- Commercial actions management
- Orders management
- Commercial proposals management
- Contracts management
- Invoices management
- Payments management
- Standing orders management
- Shipping management
- Expense report management
- Following social and fiscal tax payments
- Agenda with ical,vcal export for third tools integration
- EDM (Electronic Document Management)
- Foundations member management
- Leave requests for employees
- Mass emailing
- Realize surveys
- Point of Sale
- Donations management
- Reporting
- PDF Generation of all elements (invoices, proposals, orders, …)
- Import and export tools (CSV or Excel)
- Bookmarks management
Dolibarr Setup
Check out the Dolibarr Tutorials Video Series and see the Dolibarr Demo in action. The GegoSoft team will help you to set up an on-premises Dolibarr Server or Dolibarr in Cloud